26 July 2011


Tuesday mornings bring about much excitement. It's Food Pantry day, which means the line begins well before the doors open at 8:30am.  Thankfully this morning was breezy and beautiful as the sun came up.  Guests were waiting at the doors in their folding chairs, and a group was huddled around the picnic table underneath the shady tree.  I saw a sea of familiar faces, as well as a few new ones tucked in the crowd.  Laughing. Exchanging neighborhood news.  Resting.  I saw her, sitting on the curb.  Her skin was tanned to a golden brown, her nose a sun-kissed red from standing at the corner with her cardboard sign.  He was with her. He was always with her.  Word from others on the street was that she was a prostitute, and he was her pimp.  They were both homeless.

As Jerry opened the doors at 8:30am, they entered the building one by one, thankful for the cool air conditioning.  They greeted Jerry and playfully bantered with me as they found a seat.  So many of them have become like old friends to me.  Their stories become more full with each visit as we share more of our lives with each other.

I called next, and it was her turn.  She hobbled up to the desk, her body full with fatigue, and her face worn.  I remembered her name, the same as my mother's.  As I greeted her by name, her eyes lit up.  "Hi sweetie, how are you?" she asked.  She filled out her forms, and then gave me a grin, asking if she could have a word with me.  "Could I get a cup of coffee?" "Sure, let me get you one after I finish checking everyone in."  Huge grin.  "Thanks honey. Don't forget me."

After the last guest went through the check-in, I ran upstairs and grabbed two small cups of coffee.  I set them on the desk in front of me.  She saw me return and slowly came up to the counter.  Grinning from ear to ear, "Oh, thank you!" 

One of her friends, also homeless, was surprised to see her with coffee.  "How'd you manage to get that?" he asked, giving her a friendly smile.  To which she replied, "I'm a V.I.P."  He laughed, "A V.I.P, to who?"  "I'm a V.I.P. to her," glancing at me, then returning to her seat.

Thank you Lord, that all of us hold V.I.P. status in your eyes.

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in." Matthew 25:35

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that story made me cry. Isn't it nice sometimes to have a verbal reminder that what we do and who we see weekly does matter. When the world wants us to think we don't matter or we can be replaced, these stories remind us that God has us exactly where he wants us and being a V.I.P. to someone is what it's all about.
    Matthew 25:40 40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
