27 July 2011

FREE. My Favorite 4-Letter Word

After a long ride home from work on Monday, which only seemed long because I was going the speed limit. I know, gasp.  But my better half has been running up our insurance bill, so one of us needed to catch caution in the wind.  I digress.  I pulled in the driveway, and moseyed down to the mailbox.  I pulled out the usual.  Redplum coupons. A bill from the trash company.  A credit card company that had approved me for a billion dollar credit line.  A CVS flier.  You know, all the normal stuff.  But, what I didn't know was what was hidden beneath the lovely letters C  V  S.

You see, the flier was filled with coupons for FREE items.  A free 2 liter of Pepsi.  A free Reese's Peanut Butter cup.  A free $3 CVS item-any item, as long as it was CVS brand.  A free tube of colgate toothpaste.  And a coupon for $5 off a $15 purchase.  I was elated. And all because a new CVS opened up down the road.  

So the next day, I was on a mission.  I had 'liked' Pier 1 on Facebook, which gave me a free $10.  I had a coupon for Lucy, my lovely kitty cats birthday, for a free $5 at the Pet Store.  And...my beloved CVS coupons.

Off I went a shopping! First, 2 packs of cat treats...that cost me $0.31 tax.  Then off to Pier 1, where I got 3 reusable bags, 2 rose petal tucked carry all bags, 1 travel candle.  $1.89.  And..CVS, where I was able to snag 17 bottles of shampoo, 1 huge bottle of body wash, 1 tube of toothpaste, 1 2 liter of Pepsi, and a free Reese's cup...for a grand total of....$10.05.

Now...I know, I know..I spent some money...but look at all I saved! And, the best part is, these items can be donated to our local Food Pantry. So...If you think shopping is a bore...and couponing even more..remember, someone around you could benefit from a few simple donations, that might cost you close to nothing! :)

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